Thursday, April 22, 2010


I am leaving tomorrow for a week vacation. i am looking forward to it. I am hoping to do a couple of long runs. I will be teaching 3 short fitness classes a day. So far this week, I ran on Tuesday about 9 k and felt pretty slow; I swam tuesday morning about 2000 metres; Wednesday I went biking for about 90 minutes and today I swam again and did a hot yoga class.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Count down to Cuba

On friday last week, I swam at lunch time. On Saturday I tuaght spinning and did a hot yoga class in the afternoon. I had planned to go biking but it was about 4 degrees and raining and I draw the line at biking in that. Sunday, I planned to go for a long run and it was raining again. I kind of used that as an excuse and went to the gym instead and ran 5 miles on the treadmill and did some weights. the weather has taken a turn for the worse but I guess we have been lucky to get in the amount of biking we did in March on PEI. I still feel that I am ahead of last year. I plan to do a couple of 90 minute runs in cuba next week and I will do some swimming in the pool and the ocean. I would like to do a short brick workout before i go to boost my confidence a bit. We will see how the weather goes. I am thinking about going for a short run today at lunch if it stops raining and I am doing hot yoga after work.