My trip here got off to a rough start. My bike was 2 days late getting here and that was very frustrating. The second day was especially frustrating as my bike was in Tucson but the delivery company just failed to deliver it. Calling the United Airlines baggage line just increased my frustration as I could never get an sort of concrete answer as to when it would be delivered. Anyway, it came late monday night and I had 4 days left so I went cycling everyday since. The first day (Tuesday) I did part of Mt Lemmon which is a famous route here. The whole ride is quite long with a lot of climbing and I didn't think doing the whole ride would be a great idea on day one.
The second day, I went to my coaches house for lactate threshold testing. We did the bike testing first which involved testing my blood after cycling at different intensities. The results were that my cycling is quite strong and my lactate threshold is somewhat high; I should have quit there. I did the running test right after biking (and after biking 5 hours the day before) My heart rate was quite high at relatively slow speed and my running lactate threshold is low. I think if I had just doneI the running test and been fresher, it would have been better. Nevertheless, running is what I need to work on. I did improve my running times last summer, doing around 44 minute ten ks in triathlons and running some individual ten k races in around 43 mins which is not bad for me. On Thursday and Friday I cycled about 4 hours each day and by today (friday) I was feeling pretty good. I am glad I did this trip and it was pretty much what I wanted to do. (get in a week or so of cycling in the winter) a couple of extra days would have been better but it has been pretty good.