Thursday, September 17, 2009


I have been trying to establish a bit of a fall routine this week. I have been swimming 3 times at the pool- monday, tuesday and thursday mornings. I have gone running twice- on Monday at lunch and Wednesday before work. I went to the gym at UPEI and did some weights on Tuesday at lunch and I am going again today. I will hopefully run again tomorrow and I am planning on doing a 10 mile race Saturday morning. I think I will also swim again tomorrow morning. That will be 4 swims, 3 short runs and one long run and a couple of weight workouts which is not a bad week. Work is not that busy at the moment which is nice. Here are a couple of pics from Ironman Canada. I forgot, I am also planning on doing the thursday night rec ride tonight so that will be some cycling as well.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Trying to get back in a routine

Last week I was still a bit lazy. I was laughing to myself that I did less exercise all last week than I did in a lot of single days this summer. I went on the Thursday night rec ride with the cycle PEI group and that is always a great workout. I got to the pool last thursday morning. On Saturday morning i went for a really nice 2 hour ride with Larry and Jim and kept up a pretty steady pace. Today, (Monday) I went back to the pool. I feel very slow in the pool and it seems to be taking a bit out of me. There was an older guy in the lane this morning that i almost had words with. I tried to ask him if he would split the lane because he was quite a bit slower. I couldn't get him to stop so I started to swim around him. I kept catching up to him and he would never stop to let me by him so I had to swim around him. Usually people get the hint but he wasn't stopping for anyone. Note to self to avoid his lane when I see him. I am going to run at lunch and this will be my first run in two weeks. I was thinking this morning that I would like to run about 3 times per week all year plus a long run on the weekends. I would also like to swim about 4 times a week and with my two spinning classes per week, that should be enough. I am thinking about whether or not I want to swim with the Masters group. It would be good for me but would require swimming late in the evening which doesn't suit my schedule very well. I still haven't posted any pics from ironman canada as promised.