Saturday, November 27, 2010

how much yoga is too much?

I am in Halifax with my mom christmas shopping. I went to Moksha yoga over here and did a 90 minute class today. it was great. Moksha yoga is a bit more sedate than the yoga at Dynamic Fitness but you sweat a lot and feel good afterward. I did yoga this past week 4 times- sunday, tuesday, thursday and today. I swam three times this week and have been finding that the upei swim workouts are getting a bit harder and longer. i ran twice this week on the treadmill and did intervals both times, I am planning on going running in halifax sunday morning. My weight has been staying pretty constant at 152-154 depending on when i weigh myself and what i have been doing beforehand. I am going to get my roadbike set up on the trainer at my place in town in the near future and start doing one or two trainer cycle workouts per week.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

running intervals

My friend, Billy MacDonald recently pointed out that i need to work on my running. What he meant, i think, was that i do pretty well in triathlons until i get to the run and then loose a bit of ground. My running was improved in 2010. I was a bit faster than i had been in the past few years. It was my biking that was a bit weaker. But, still, I was ahead of Billy in two or three triathlons this year until the run and he went on to finish in the top 10 whereas i would be somewhere in the 15-20th place. So, this past week I took his advice and started doing interval training on the treadmill. I have done three sets of intervals in the past week. I am running faster on the treadmill than i have ever run. So, i will keep doing that at least once a week and see if it makes a difference. i am anxious to get my trainor set up and start using that at least once a week. I booked a vacation for Tucson, Arizona in February for a week of cycling. I plan to do some training on the bike trainor before that and then, if we have decent weather in March next year, get outside on the bike as soon as possible.

Otherwise, i still swimming three times a week and enjoying the UPEI club workouts; trying to do hot yoga 3 times and spinning twice. Have been doing some weights once or twice per week and running when I can. Ironcially, while yoga has really improved my fleibility, it is giving me sone back pain that I never had.