Yesterday, I listed what I thought my training would be over the next couple of days. But, of course, it is looking like it might rain for the next 2 or 3 days which can completely change everything. I was going to drive out and do the Mother's Day time trial course after work. If it is raining a bit, I may run instead. If it is raining hard, I will go to the gym for a change. Yesterday, after work I ran about 11 k. As usual, I felt poor starting out and felt better throughout. Maybe its aging or something, but I feel really stiff sometimes when I start to run and then it goes away. I was thinking to myself that if i was doing a 10 k race, I would need to run for 10 or 15 minutes before the start of it. The ironman training program that i am just starting has some running drills (highknees, high kicks, grapevines) so I was sort of fooling around on the trail last night doing that. (when no one was around to see me look foolish)
This morning, I had my swim lesson with Dave, the swim coach, and Darcy and Corena. Its always interesting to see how different people have different strengths and weaknesses in their swimming. We did some drills with paddles; one arm swim, swimming with fist closed, and then for the second half of the class we worked on backstroke and breaststroke. I am really happy to be learning how to do those strokes properly.
I have noticed over the past couple of weeks that I am loosing a little bit of weight; maybe a couple of pounds. I haven't weighed myself but I can tell by how my clothes fit. Over the past few years since I have been doing triathlons my weight has fluctuated between 150-160 and usually right in the middle being the norm. At 150 or less I start to look skinny and not necessarily in a good way. I tend to be around 150 when I get to the day of an ironman race. Last night I had trouble getting to sleep again which is odd because I usually just fall into bed, read for 5 minutes and fall asleep. I am not sure why I am having trouble getting to sleep as I don't think I am particularly uptight about anything.
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