Friday, February 5, 2010

Having trouble with early mornings

This week, more than once, I planned to get up early and head to the pool and then couldn't do it. I think you go in cycles: there are times when my internal clock has me waking up easily at 5:30. This week it has been more like 7 am. Since Christmas, or before, when I started doing hot yoga, I added 3 hot yoga classes per week and now one extra spinning class, to an already full schedule and something has got to give a bit. I am enjoying the change to my routine but like any Type A triathlete, I am always paranoid that I won't be as good at swimming, biking and running because, at this moment, I am not doing as much of that. (despite the fact that everything you read says you need a rest from those things periodically)

Since I have started doing hot yoga, I have lost a bit of weight and gained some flexibility. I am about the same weight right now in the dead of winter as when I was training 18 hours per week for an Ironman last summer (152 pounds) - that is because of yoga. I would normally be closer to 160 right now.

In terms of training this week, I ran on the treadmill last sunday and did some weights and core exercises. Monday, I did a hot yoga class; Tuesday I swam 2300 metres and did a spin class; Wednesday, I did hot yoga and went to the gym and did some weights; Thursday, I did an intense 1 hour spin class and Friday I am doing hot yoga; Saturday, I am doing spin class and I will do some weights and swim. (there is not much running in that week).

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