Wednesday, October 28, 2009


I don't know if i have ever mentioned on here that I was a chubby kid and that has left me with permanent issue regarding my weight. Now matter how fit I am I never see myself in the mirror as looking fit. It is still at least part of the reason I am a bit driven regarding fitness. (the other reasons being that I like it and like a structured life) I haven't started my post ironman gradual weight gain which is a bit unusual. I have been weighing myself at the gym the last few weeks and i am still around 152 which is pretty close to my low weight. (my more natural weight would be 160)

I am not sure why that is other than I am still oddly motivated to work out even though I have no upcoming races or goals for the near future. My body seems to be enjoying more intense, shorter workouts after a summer of doing everything over long distances. I have been doing short swims, runs and intense spinning classes. So far this week, I ran after work on Monday; (swam monday morning); swam tuesday morning and did a tough spinning class tuesday evening. ) I did 50 pushups and a bit of abdominal workout after spinning. I am a bit disappointed I have no time for working out on wednesday because I am teaching Summerside right after work and scheduled a haircut for lunch time. Tomorrow I will swim and run

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