Sunday, November 1, 2009

Rest of the week ending Oct 31st

The rest of the week was busy with work, entertaning some friends on Friday night and home maintenance in Charlottetown and New Glasgow on the weekend. In between, I got some exercise. I swam about 1800 m on Thursday morning which has been the usual lately. I ran after work on thursday about 9 k. Friday I ran at lunch time about 8 k and on Saturday morning I did a spin class and some weights. I also went cycling with a bunch of triathletes in the afternoon for about 40 k and it was very windy and a bit difficult. As I mentioned before on here, my spin classes are more intense this year which is great. I seem to have more enthusiasm for giving a hard class. I am debating with myself about trying the occasional new fitness activity this winter (ie hot yoga at Dynamic fitness)?

I am also thinking about next summer's triathlons. I am going to register for Mooseman which is in early June. I am also going to book the same accomodations. I am not sure about doing the Rhode Island half ironman that the rest of the gang is doing. I am not that excited about doing another weekend away mid summer. For the past couple of years I have missed my annual trip to Provincetown the end of August due to traithlons and I am defintely doing that trip in 2010. So, there is a limit to the trips I can take.

On the non-fitness front, I have a tentative deal to buy the other half of my duplex in charlottetown and it require quite a bit of care and maintenance. That will make next year additionally busy.

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