Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Not as tough as I think I am

Yesterday (Tuesday) I did 3 workouts for no particular reason. I swam in the morning about 2000m and then ran with my friend, Rob at lunch a fairly fast 6 k or so. I then did my spinning class in the afternoon. I could tell when I was teaching spinning that I was starting to fade and needed something to eat. I had a big supper at my mom's and then went home to New Glasgow and promptly fell asleep on the couch. I was exhausted. On Monday I swam in the morning. On Sunday I ran on the treadmill about 5 miles and did some weights and exercises (50 pushups, ab crunches etc...) I actually enjoyed the treadmill for a change. Today (wednesday) I have the day off but i am not sure if I will do any exercise as I am feeling pressure to get home stuff done before winter (finishing raking leaves and putting stuff away) Mom and I are going to Halifax this weekend so I will take my running stuff and at least go for a run on Saturday. I will also take my swimsuit in case we have a pool in the hotel.