Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Racing season is upon us

I did the cycle PEI TT this past weekend and was pleased with my result. My time was a little over two minutes faster than last year. Part of that might have been better wind conditions; part might have been my new bike and new training regime. I am feeling pretty good about my running. I have been doing speed drills and feel that my running is certainly as fast as its ever been. My goal is to see if I can achieve a PB in 5 and 10 k distances this summer. I may do a 10 k in a couple of weeks and compare my time to last year. It is about 3 weeks to Mooseman triathlon. It always seems that that triathlon comes early and it is a difficult race at the best of times. I don't have any particular goal in mind with that race other than doing better than last year. That shouldn't be too hard as it poured rain last year and that had an effect on my bike ride, both physically and mentally.

I am still really enjoying my training with coach, Torsten Abel. I think it is really helping me and making my training more focused. It should translate into better results but even if it doesn', i am still enjoying the training process. This past sunday, i ran for a hour doing some speed intervals; i then biked for two hours; today i swam 4350 metres at a moderate pace ( i couldn't really swim that distance at anything faster). tomorrow is another speed/run workout and a recovery run.