Wednesday, December 2, 2009


I have been a bit cranky the last couple of days for no apparent reason. It might be the changing seasons. Who knows. Last night when I was going to bed, I decided I couldn't deal with Type A personalities in the morning so I skipped the triathlon swim class this morning. I teach a UPEI class on Wednesday nights and when I get up at 5:15 am to drive in from New Glasgow and go to a swim class, it makes for a long day. Monday evening I did hot yoga again and it was great. I felt like I had never stretched as much. I hope it helps my right leg issues. I swam for about a half hour on Tuesday morning and then did spinning class Tuesday afternoon. Spinning was a good workout and I think these yoga classes will help with my instructing spinning. In yoga, the instructor constantly is talking about how you are breathing and how you feel. Spinning is actually a bit like that in that you can zone out and not think about anything. Today, Wednesday, I am taking the day off.

Tomorrow it is supposed to be warm again and I will go for a run.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Week ending Nov. 28th/09

The rest of the week was not too heavy in terms of training. I didn't do anything Thursday and then on Friday I did the triathlon swim class in the morning. It is a tough workout with a solid hour of fairly intense swimming. Friday after work I went to the gym and ran 4 miles on the treadmill and did some weights and stretching. Saturday morning I did my spin class. Yesterday, (Sunday) I went for a nice steady 9 k run. I am bothered by some issues on the right side of my body that I am told are caused by tight hamstrings and muscle imbalance. I am having foot pain in my right foot. I was thinking it is odd that I am experiencing this now when I have not been training that much compared to the summer. But, I suspect it builds up over time.

I am going to hot yoga again today in my attempt to become more flexible. I am looking forward to that.