Sunday, September 12, 2010

Vacation and Schubie Tri

Labour Day weekend i was in Cape Cod on vacation. I took my mountain bike and did quite a bit of biking on the trails through the national park in Provincetown, Cape Cod. they have this great trail system through the dunes with paved trails and lots of rolling hills. i did a few brick workouts by adding some runs after biking. This weekend I did the Schubie Tri. It hadn't done it for a few years and they changed the bike course, making it alot harder. I was satisfied with my performance. I wasn't really mentally up for it and it showed a bit in my biking. I felt great in the run and am satisfied with a 19th place out of about 75. I don't have much planned for the fall; i will do a few roadrunner races. i have been thinking a bit about doing an ironman again sometime but don't have anything planned for next year. I enjoy the structure of the ironman training but I also enjoyed doing a lot of short races this past summer. I can't do all those races when I train for an ironman. There are still spots for ironman lake placid next year if you make the extra community fund donation. i may think about it.