Thursday, February 10, 2011

week 2 of my new plan

A couple of weeks ago I hired a triathlon coach, Torsten Abel, to provide me with daily workouts geared to ward the upcoming year. I am in week 2 and it is going well so far. Torsten is a pro triathlete and finished 26th at Kona lat year and coaches his wife, Leanda Cave, who is also a pro. They live in Tucson, Arizona. This has given me some renewed enthusiasm and a focus to my workouts. I am still doing the UPEI Swim club swims plus biking and running as directed by Torsten. Lsat week, I did about 3 runs; two spinning sessions, 3 swims, 3 or 4 yoga. so far this week, I have done two and half hours of spinning, 2 runs and i am doing another one today (2 runs in one day); 2 swims and i am swimming again tomorrow and i am sure there will be lots to do on the weekend.

I leave next Saturday, feb 19th to go to Tucson, Arizona for a "training/vacation". I hope to get in some good base miles for cycling and meet Torsten and Leanda. He is also going to so some lactate threshold testing on me which will be interesting.