Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My first yoga class

I have been ignoring the problems caused by tight hamstrings for too long. I know I don't stretch enough but it has been getting worse. I am having pain in my knee and foot. I am pronating especially on my right foot and it is causing problems all round. I have been thinking for a while of trying yoga. I know that I will have to go to yoga for a while to see results but I am pretty good at sticking to things when I try something. I did a "hot yoga" class last night and it was great. I was the oldest and least flexible person there. (It seems like it is mostly attended by attractive 23 year old girls) I am going to try and make it a regular thing this winter.

Otherwise, I ran 16 k on sunday and felt great but afterwards it made me aware of the problems with my right leg and body alignment. I swam yesterday and today about 2000 m each time and again felt good. I was videotaped last week and it was pointed out that my right arm is swinging wide under water. I have been working on that and I noticed the difference. This afternoon I will do spin class.